- March 19, 2024
Ronda Rousey is an inspirational and motivational person. She’s laser focused on self-improvement, which has led to success as an olympic athlete, MMA fighter, WWE fighter, and actress.
There’s so much we can learn from her starting with 37 of her most inspiring quotes:
1. Refuse to accept any other reality.
2. Active patience is taking the time to set something up correctly.
3. When people say, “Oh you’re so cocky. You’re so arrogant” I feel like they’re telling me that I think too highly of myself. My question for them is “Who are you to tell me that I need to think less of myself?”
4. Don’t focus on what you can’t do. Focus on what you can.
5. It’s just sometimes even the right decisions don’t work out.
6. I used to say all the time, “Changing things is not that easy”. But it is just as easy as making up your mind. You can always make a decision. And if that decision doesn’t work, you can make another decision.
7. Expect that they will have their eyes open, easy to take advantage of any mistakes.
8. Every single second of every day I feel I have something to prove. I have to prove myself every time I walk into a new gym, into a new movie set, into a business meeting, and in every fight.
9. Champions do more than people who think that they’ve done more.
10. You have to fight because you can’t count on anyone else fighting for you. And you have to fight for people who can’t fight for themselves. To get anything of real value, you have to fight for it.
11. If you can’t dream big, ridiculous dreams, what’s the point in dreaming at all?
12. Life is a fight from the minute you take your first breath to the moment you exhale your last.
13. Once you give them the power to tell you you’re great, you’ve also given them the power to tell you you’re unworthy. Once you start caring about people’s opinions of you, you give up control.
14. The kind of hope I’m talking about is the belief that something good will come. That everything you’re going through and everything you’re gone through will be worth the struggles and frustrations. The king of hope I’m talking about is a deep belief that the world can be changed, that the impossible is possible.
15. Everyone wants to win. But to truly succeed, whether it is at a sport or at your job or in life, you have to be willing to do the hard work, overcome the challenges, and make the sacrifices it takes to be the best at what you do.
16. Most people focus on the wrong thing, They focus on the result, not the process. The process is the sacrifice, it’s all the hard parts the sweat the pain, the tears, the losses. You make the sacrifices anyway. You learn to enjoy them, or at least embrace them. In the end, it is the sacrifices that must fulfill you.
17. Success is the result of hard work, busting your ass every day for years on end without cutting corners or taking shortcuts.
18. I am not looking to escape the pressure. I am embracing it. Pressure is what builds up in the chamber behind a bullet before it explodes out of the gun.
19. Don’t be a Do Nothing Bitch.
20. Making a change in your life is as easy as making a decision and acting on it. That’s it.
21. People want to project their own insecurities on others, but I refuse to allow them to put that on me. Just because you don’t think that you could be the best in the world doesn’t mean that I shouldn’t have the confidence to believe I can do anything.
22. When you and everyone around you are immersed in one small community, it is easy to mistake it for the whole world. But once you break away, you realize that no one outside your tiny circle gives a shit about the stupid stuff that was at the center of your little world. When you understand that, you discover there is a much bigger, better world out there.
23. Athletes who dope don’t believe in themselves.
24. When it comes to fighting, physical strength really has very little to do with it. One of the tenets that judo is founded upon is “Maximum efficiency, minimum effort” That has really defined my career. It is the foundation of all the techniques and everything I do. It’s one reason why I don’t get tired. It’s one reason why I am able to fight girls who are a head taller than me, or chicks who are on steroids. People who cheat or dope lack the one thing every true champion must have: belief. No drug or amount of money or favoritism can ever give you belief in yourself.
25. How you feel is entirely in your mind. Your mind has nothing to do with your environment. It has nothing to do with anyone around you. It is entirely your decision.
26. If you’re unwilling to leave someplace you’ve outgrown, you will never reach your full potential. To be the best, you have to constantly be challenging yourself, raising the bar, pushing the limits of what you can do. Don’t stand still, leap forward.
27. Acting with fear is called courage.
28. To win, you have to be willing to die.
29. In the moments that you fall hardest when you lose a job, or find out a boyfriend is cheating on you, or realize that you made a bad financial decision, you can channel your shame, your anger, your desire, your loss. You can learn, take chances, change course. You can choose to become so successful that no one can ever put you in a situation like that again.
30. No one is ever going to give you anything of value. You have to work for it, sweat for it, fight for it. But there is far greater value in accomplishments you earn than is accolades that are merely given to you. When you earn something, you never have to worry about justifying that you truly deserve it.
31. One of the greatest days of my life was when I came to understand that other people’s approval and my happiness were not related.
32. The moment you stop viewing your opponent as a threat is the moment you leave yourself open to getting beat.
33. A sleeper just waits and when the time is right, they come out and wow everyone. That’s you, kiddo. Don’t you worry.
34. It is one thing to fight other people, but fighting yourself is different. If you’re fighting yourself, who wins? who loses?
35. There have always been people who have written me off. They’re not going away. I use that to motivate me. I’m driven to show them just how wrong they are.
36. I want her to look at me. I want her to stare me in the eye. I want her to see that I have no fear. I want her to know she stands no chance. I want her to be scared. I want her to know she is going to lose.
37. Everything in the world is information. The information you choose to acknowledge and the information you choose to ignore is up to you. You can let outside factors beyond your control throw off your focus. You can let aching muscles hold you back. You can let silence make you feel uncomfortable. By choosing to focus only on the information that is necessary, you can tune out every distraction, and achieve far more.