- October 09, 2024
The average person makes over 35,000 choices a day, leading to exhaustion and often questionable choices. These begin as soon as you wake up when you decide to hit snooze, then when you decide if you’ll pack a lunch or grab something to-go.
Of course, our daily decisions aren’t always so simple. Choices on who will be the best fit to lead an upcoming project or if your family should move to a new city, take a lot of consideration, research, and time out of your day. Each of these choices has specific conditions and requirements that can make it hard to come to a solid conclusion, but these same criteria also help you best evaluate your choices.
“Your life changes the moment you make a new, congruent, and committed decision.” – Tony Robbins
This is where decision-making frameworks come into play. There are three key models you can use to help you make decisions:
Learn more from CouponChief about these frameworks and other tips to help you make great decisions for your personal life, career, and finances below.