- October 09, 2024
Many of you ask me the secret to writing blog posts on Addicted2Success and I am happy to share with you my little secret; before I write anything, I watch a Motivation Grid video first to get me in the zone.
Motivation Grid is a YouTube channel I have been following for a number of years. They have tens of millions of YouTube views, and the founder Cris Nikolov is an inspiring young man himself. The videos Chris posts on his channel are all about motivation and how we can change our mindset and think differently.
His videos are made up of powerful, inspiring movie footage, mindblowing background music and some of the greatest speakers of our time delivering different snippets that align to the videos overall message. Every time I watch one of his videos I get chills down my spine, and it changes how I am feeling in the moment.
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This video is my favourite of the ten which is why it appears first. It’s all about winning and what it takes to be successful. It touches on the fear of failure and how disappointment causes people to settle for less and not win at the game of life through their individual goals.
Don’t let this be you. Most of what it takes to win is about you and you telling yourself that you actually can win. What you think about winning is what will be your reality. This video very clearly explains that you must seize the moment and understand it’s the only moment you’ve got.
There are no second chances, and you may not be around to try again the next time, so you have to try and win every time you try something as if it’s your last attempt. Don’t fall for the trap of thinking someone needs to approve your dream. Even if you get thrown to the ground, what it takes to get back up will come down to your level of determination.
“There is some good out there in the universe that has your name on it” – Les Brown
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This video explains what it takes to be phenomenal. Essentially you need to dream big but start with small steps. When you reach for a target that may seem really hard to achieve, the people who are phenomenal know that you don’t have to be perfect at something to get what you want.
My favourite part of the video is where Eric Thomas explains that you can’t beg average or good people to be phenomenal. Either you are phenomenal, or you’re not. If you are phenomenal, then the good news is you will automatically attract phenomenal into your world.
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Quitting is something you do when you attempt a goal that you are not really passionate about, or that is not congruent with your true self. This video explains all the things that cause us to quit and that cause us to give up half way through achieving greatness.
People that don’t quit and excel do so with a sickening work ethic. While everyone else is eating or sleeping, they are grinding away at their true passion which is why they don’t give up. There will be times when you fail, but that doesn’t make you a failure.
“Failure is the stepping stone to success“
When someone does the wrong thing by you don’t head for the path that quitters do and try and get even with someone, just keep going and get ahead of them. The coolest part of this video is when one of the speakers says that if you get on a treadmill with him, he won’t get off until you do first, even if it kills him.
That’s what achievers do, and that’s why they don’t quit. You shouldn’t quit either! Just keep going!
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We have to do what is hard not what is easy if we want to win and achieve our goal. This video explains this concept in depth and how if you be a volunteer victim, stand around, and complain about your circumstances, your life will be damn hard!
Your life is controlled by you and nobody else. The only enemy you have that will make your life hard is the person that wakes up every day and stares back in the mirror at you – yourself.
“Stay hungry. Stay foolish” – Steve Jobs
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Nothing is impossible. The only thing that is impossible is what you make impossible. This video is all about getting you not to stop what you are doing. Even when everything inside of you is telling you to give up, it’s your mind that has the ultimate control over you.
If you tell yourself the opposite of what your body is feeling then it’s possible not to give up; in fact, anything is possible. Where you are right now is temporary and that shouldn’t make you want to stop. You have got to focus on where you want to be and know that you will eventually get there if you don’t stop.
Hopefully, this video will make you enraged (in a good way). As humans, a lot of us never realise our greatness because we become sidetracked by secondary activity.
This video explains that one idea can change your life and that developing habits like giving more than your paid for will stop you from being enraged and frustrated, and take you to being enraged and determined.
I love this lesson I got from the video too which is; life is supposed to be difficult.
If life weren’t difficult, then there would be no growth, and then there would be nothing that would force you to grow stronger. The process of overcoming something hard makes you stronger, and that’s how you grow.
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Even when you believe in yourself, there is always a bit of doubt in everyone. If you surround yourself with non-believers, there is a good chance you will start listening to their thoughts. The conditions are never going to be perfect, but you just have to believe that what you want to do is possible.
The core message of this video is that if you stop believing in yourself and believe the doubters, then someone will execute your dream and have all the success / money that comes with it.
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The “Stop Killing Time” video is all about humans and time. It’s a real eye opener and explains many different viewpoints about how we should perceive time. The video makes the point that the time we have only grows smaller from today going forward.
Unfortunately, evolution hasn’t helped us with the concept of time, and there is no urgency to stop us wasting it. It’s on you to create the pressure of not wasting time yourself. After all, pressure is what creates diamonds.
“While you’re killing time, time is killing you” – Ashley Zahabian
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Every one of us has greatness within, but we just need to unlock it. This video shows a man named Neil Ung, who is 60 years old and just begging to learn how to skateboard. He decided not to let his age limit him, and he believes he has greatness inside of himself.
This video demonstrates that you can fail at a job or activity you hate so you may as well try failing at something that you actually love. This is where greatness is found.
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The story of the other guy is all about two people who were both laid off from their jobs. This video explains the path they both took and how one took the experience and achieved greatness while the other never found another job. I won’t spoil the story, but you’ve got to check this one out.