Top Performer Is Now Open

 Top Performer Is Now Open

Top Performer is the undertow Cal Newport and I teach for helping you tightly understand what drives success in your career, and then gives you the strategy for getting really good at those skills. We hold sessions quite infrequently, and right now we’re opening registration for flipside one.

If you’d like to learn increasingly well-nigh the course, how it works and whether it’s right for you, see the registration page here.

Everything you need to know well-nigh the undertow is in that link above, but here’s a quick summary of what we teach:

  1. Research — We requite you the tools to icon out how any career works and what skills you need to develop to reach the next level. This works for people early in their careers, still trying to icon out what they want to do. It moreover works for people who have once wide in their careers and need to know what it will take to reach the next level.
  2. Practice — We unravel lanugo methods for translating the important research in mastery of deliberate practice to knowledge work. In particular, we teach you how to set up constructive projects that will indulge you to quickly build new skills and master ones that matter for your career.
  3. Deep Work — Cal and I run through our productivity approaches with a focus on how you can maximize the value of deep, important things you do every day.
  4. Mastery — How can you set up long-term career habits to continually push your career forward. This includes how to assess your career capital, set long-term goals and stay focused on the big picture instead of getting bogged lanugo in the day-to-day difficulties.

If you have any questions well-nigh the course, our team members will be happy to wordplay them here:

Keep in mind, registration will be shutting lanugo Sep 22, 2023 – Friday at midnight Pacific Time, so if you’d like to join, you’ll need to act surpassing then.

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