- June 10, 2024
If you’d like to learn how to develop self-discipline so you can stick to your decisions and follow them through, sign up for the free 90-Day Master Class hosted by the founder of Addicted2Success.com, Joel Brown.
What are the qualities of a disciplined person? How can self-discipline help you in business? How to know if you have self-discipline? To put it simply, self-discipline is all about willpower, but to really be in control of yourself, you will need to learn many new habits.
The characteristics of a disciplined person include such things as determination, being hardworking, organizational skills, and so on.
First and foremost, you need to understand your weaknesses. You might know what your strengths are as well as your talents, but if you don’t know your weaknesses, you won’t be able to direct your efforts correctly and either get rid of your weaknesses or find a way to transform them into something positive.
To understand your weaknesses, try to test yourself in different situations. For example, when you are working on a particular project with your team, analyze which parts of the projects you are not performing as well in as you would like to. These will probably be the aspects you need to work on because these are your weaknesses.
The second thing you should do is create a plan and follow it. But first, you will need to set yourself achievable goals that will motivate your plan of action. For example, you want to become a more responsible person and stop looking for excuses that lead to procrastination. To do this, you will need to improve your willpower with the help of a lot of practice.
Once you have this aim in mind, you can create a step-by-step plan for yourself with the details of what you will be doing to improve your willpower and become a more responsible person in the end.
Now, once you have a plan ready, you will need to improve your willpower and in turn, your self-discipline. Even if you didn’t set willpower improvement as one of your aims, you need to realize that it is one of the most important steps on your way to better self-discipline.
There is no one way to train your willpower except for taking baby steps and improving what you already have. Even a person with very poor willpower can be trained to become very self-disciplined if it is done gradually. If you know that you won’t be able to do it on your own, make sure to have a friend or a colleague help you on your way.
“All successes begin with self-discipline. It starts with you.” – The Rock
Temptations and distractions will not only reduce your productivity, but they will also make your road to self-discipline much harder. This is why you want to get rid of all the possible temptations and distractions that could potentially prevent you from reaching your aim as quickly as possible.
One of the easiest ways to lose your direction is by doing everything sporadically. Even if you have a clear goal in mind, you might find it difficult to work towards it if you are not organized enough. This is why you need to develop habits in yourself and keep them consistent by sticking to them no matter what.
In fact, you could even set up a daily, weekly, or monthly plan for yourself detailing what you will be doing and when (at what time and how often).
Though being self-disciplined is all about being stricter with yourself, it’s important that you take a step back sometimes and give yourself a break. Moreover, when you have an achievement worth celebrating, don’t hesitate to reward yourself for the milestone you have reached.
For example, if you and your team have made an important new discovery about your business performance or you have exceeded the monthly quota and made several times more sales than you should have, you probably should give yourself a pat on the back and celebrate it with your team in some way.
“Self-discipline is a key to many doors. Not least of which is one that leads to a better, stronger, and healthier version of yourself.” – Zero Dean
Last but not least, you should always remember that nobody is perfect and everyone makes mistakes. But this doesn’t mean that you need to worry about these mistakes at all times. Instead, you need to find a way to forgive yourself and learn from the mistakes you have made in the past.
To sum up, if you want to be a disciplined person, you need to develop certain characteristics and build habits that will improve your willpower. Only when you have built these habits and improved your willpower will you be able to become a more self-disciplined person.
Then, you can use your new skills to improve your business strategy and benefit from it. Use the tips in this article to create your plan of action and become a more self-disciplined person.